currently has about 60,000 visitors a month and ranks #1 in search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and HotBot. Current traffic information is available by contacting us with the form below, or e-mailing
All rates are a flat one-time charge and run for the current softball season or until December 31. The following rates can change without notice... Lock your rate in now...! Special rates or arrangements may be considered. All advertising must be paid in advance before ads are displayed on the site. Call Mike at 734-368-4653 or drop me an email with questions.
Logo w/link State Level $499.00
This will position an active logo or text link to your website when teams access information about tournaments in a particular state. This is an excellent way to get your company or product in front of softball players at a regional level.
Logo w/link National Level $2,499.00
This will position your product or information in front of thousands of softball players and will display across the entire website.
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